Thursday 26 May 2016

About Me

Hey guys!

So I thought I should probably explain a bit about myself (that sounds so cringey and big headed?).

I'm Liz, I'm 18 and I'm from Lancashire. I've always been so interested in blogs and people that run them, and I've tried before to start my own but given up, mainly due to the fact I'm always terrified what people are going to say and if they're going to laugh etc, but what's the point in that? 

Just some images of where I live.

I chose not to go to University this year as, in all honesty, I had no idea really what I wanted to do. I feel as though when you're at college your teachers are constantly pestering you to apply, that some people just apply for the sake of it and end up doing something that they don't even want a career in. I do want to go at some point, maybe next year, and do something maybe journalism based? But we shall see what happens between now and then. In all honesty, I spend most of my free time at a university anyway. My boyfriend and my best friend both go to the same university, I know, how lucky is that. They both attend Lancaster university (which is so lovely), which is one of the top 10 universities in the UK (I'm pretty sure anyway), so I spend a lot of weekends there on nights out and things like that. 

This is a picture we got from a photo booth in Lancasters favourite Sugarhouse, and yes, if you're wondering, that is a giant inflatable penis.

Disclaimer: if you could see me now, I look nothing like this, as I currently write this post from my couch in my joggers and hoodie, with my dog lying across me looking after my poorly self.

Talking of dogs: 

Meet Wilma, my absolute pride and joy. She's a year and a half and the most needy yet playful little thing you will ever meet.

I'm not sure what I'm going to write about yet, but I do know a lot of it will be holidays and places I like to visit, because who doesn't love a good day/night out? 

(Hopefully) see you soon!

Liz x

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